Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj
Atmadhnyan Shighra Sadhana… 22
(English Translation of the series in Hindi by Parampoojya Swami Anilji Maharaj)
Bhagawan Yadhnyavalkya while advising his wife on Atmadhnyan, had told, in the first place, the timeless principle, “Atmanastukamay Sarvam Priyam bhavati” (our own self, Atma is the most beloved for all) and Said that all the beings love only self that is Atma. Rest of the talk of love that man does in the world is only secondary, not of prime importance.
The second thing the Sage told to Maitrei is that, “Maitrei, in this world Atma and only Atma deserves to be seen, heard, thought upon, meditated upon. This can be verified only through experience. Experiencing Atma is possible after attaining the Knowledge of Atma.
We were looking at the advantages of Atmadhnyan. We have seen that the most precarious issue of the scientific age, “tension”, can only be destroyed or removed by Atmadhnyan.
There is no other solution in this world. That is because the reason for the tension is the darkness of ignorance which can be removed only by the light of the Knowledge.
We see that at upteen number of places in our country, the seminars, discourses, classes are held to become tension-free. Big corporate houses arrange such kinds of programs for their officers. This is a profession for the speakers, which entails lot of earnings.
These speakers are not the Knowers. They teach their own techniques to the people. People feel for some time that we will now be free from tension for the rest of the life.
However this does not happen. These ignorant notions of the people have to be changed; people have to be made aware of the Knowledge. There is no alternative to the Vaidic Knowledge.
The second big advantage which is due only to the believers is, ‘Liberation from all the sins.’ Subsequent to the attainment of Atmadhnyan all the sins of all the births, past and future get nullified.
Lord Shrikrishna tells in Gita (18-17), “letting go of the feeling of the Doer (subsequent to attaining Atmadhnyan) the person’s intellect does not get involved anywhere.
Even if such a person slains somebody, he in fact neither does kill anyone nor does commit any sin.”
Koushitaki Upanishad also says, “whoever knows me (Atma) he is not at a loss with any kind of action. Then let him slay his parents, or robbery gets done through him or child killing, no kind of sin would be able to touch him.
“Nasya papam” (No sin can touch). This has been told very clearly by Lord Indra To Pradartan. As Atmadhnyani does not have any motive in carrying out any activity, sin remains away from him. He is as innocent as a child of one year age.
Atmadhnyani does not required to do any penance like bath in Holy Ganges, Any name recitation, worship for purification etc for Liberation from sin!
Be it a Scientific Age or Stone Age! Whom among the good natured persons would not desire to be a man (or woman) of character? Soon as the Sadhana (practice) for Atmadhnyan begins, the purification process of mind and body starts without any delay.
We realise that; Desire (kama), anger (krodh), greed (lobha), attachment (moha),
ego (mada), jealousy (matsar) these six vices are slowly getting under control without any special effort, which makes us cheerful.
With the process of purification proceeding on one hand, acquiring of wealth starts on the other! This wealth is not the wealth like the one which billionaire Ambani is having!
That wealth is wealth of six virtues!
- Shama – Regulating the mind
- Dama – Regulating the senses
- Shradhha – Acute trust on Sadguru, advising Brahmatmaikya-dhnyan (Knowledge of non-duality) and the Statements in Vedant.
- Uparam – Renunciation
- Samadhan – Contentment – attaining concentration of mind
- Titiksha – ability to endure any kind of agony
The wealth is acquiring these six virtues.
By doing the actions with renunciation of the result (of the actions), wisdom of renunciation dawns upon and the Dhnyan Sadhak (Knowledge Seeker) attains Liberation while being alive.
In this Scientific Age, the Supreme advantage of Atmadhnyan is attaining Sarvatmakata, (universal oneness) without which the talk of Universal Peace is absolutely hollow. The talk of Hindutva to be Universal Religion is also hollow (without Sarvatmakata). (We will discuss this at the end).
Peace of mind, determinative intelligence, enhancement in decision making ability and self confidence is experienced. Similar to the bubbling in boiling water, joy Continuously bubble from the heart of Dhnyan Sadhak (Knowledge Seeker). He remains always cheerful without any reason!
After looking at the advantages of Atmadhnyan, we will study Nididhyasan from the next Chapter.