Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj
(English Translation of the Audio series in Marathi by Brahmatmaikyadhnyani Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj)
Chapter 3
Mahavakyavivaran (9)
(Sacred sentence in Vedas)
“Anant shaktincha drashta l Sthan, man virhit pratishta l Jaya aparimit ghandata l Par nenije ll4ll”
We all know various powers and forces active in the Nature. For example, Gravity, Magnetism, Electricity etc. All these together ensures the functioning of the nature. Paramatma is onlooker of all these powers, making the nature to function. Paramatma does not get involved in any way and only is a pure observer. Mukundraj Maharaj says Paramatma is drashta of all these powers. Paramatma knows fully well about these powers. All these powers are functional because of Paramatma. But He does not get involved, only looks as the witness.
There is no specific place of Paramatma and there are no qualities associated with Paramatma. Paramatma is everywhere. Paramatma is beyond all qualities. Paramatma is Nirgun. Paramatma is not bound by any establishment.
Paramatma is Dimensionless. Paramatma is not bound by any dimensions. Then it can be said that Nature is also like that. Length, breadth, height of the nature is not known. Is not measurable. Then, A question can be, whether size wise Paramatma is same as Nature? Paramatma is in every particle then whether Paramatma is limited only up to nature.
In that case, hypothetically wherever the nature ends, Paramatma also should be up to that. Then how can Paramatma be endless. Upanishad, Vedant is very clear about this. These scriptures clearly states that after being in every particle Paramatma is beyond Nature. It is immeasurable how much beyond nature. Shrushti, nature is merely an illusion, sobriquet on Paramatma.
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