Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj


(English Translation of the Audio series in Marathi by Brahmatmaikyadhnyani Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj)

Chapter 3

Mahavakyavivaran (21)
(Sacred sentence in Vedas)

“Jaise Mahadakash akhand purna l Ghatamathi dise bhinna l Ghat Mathakash aise jan l Bolati taya ll16ll”

“Te Ghata Matha donhi bhangata l Thayichechi aikya tatvata l Taise jiveshwar upadhi nirasata l Swaswaroop ek ll17ll”

In these verses three Akash, Spaces have been depicted. Once the body gets destroyed, Garudpuran states the path of Jeevatma and how Jeevatma attains other body as the fetus. Once we are on the path of Dhnyan we should strive to grasp the deeper understanding.

When we are striving to decipher deeper into Truth with blessings from Sadguru we have to examine these things with different angle or drushti. Here three spaces-Akash are being told. One is Mahadakash, other is Ghatakash and third is Mathakash. Let us dwell up on these to understand the embedded meaning. Akash is the hollow space in the entire Universe, which is also called ether. What occupies the whole apparently hollow space is Akash. The space between two objects, two persons is Akash. This akash is not merely the blue sky visible to us, Akash is occupying the whole empty space in the universe.
One is Mahadakash. Which occupies the universe without interruption or division. In every country like Bharat, America, Russia, the Akash is same irrespective of city, town, village, forest. Akash occupies any empty vessel or glass etc.

Mahadakash :Akash which occupies whole Universe is Mahadakash.
Mathakash: Take example of Paramguru Khaptinath Maharaj’s Matha (monastery). The space occupied within Matha is Mathakash.
Ghatakash :Now take an earthen pot. Earthen pot is called Ghata. Empty Ghata will have akash within. That space within Ghata is Ghatakash.

Mahadakash, Space occupying the whole Universe is without any interruption, without any division. It is continuous.
Ghatakash appears small upto Ghata and Mathakash appears up to the limits of Matha. These are given names like Ghatakash, Mathakash.

What happens to the Akash within when Ghata is broken and Matha is destroyed?
Nothing really happened. Akash within Ghata got merged with Mahadakash, Akash within Matha also got merged with Mahadakash.
Swamiji says even if name is different Akash within is same. Because akash within both Ghata and Matha gets merged with Mahadakash. All these three are same. Similarly Jeeva or Ishwar are only sobriquet. When these sobriquets are discarded we reach out to Paramatma. Jeeva disappears and Paramatma is revealed. When Maya disappears Ishwar also disappears and Paramatma alone gets revealed. That only is our own Self.

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