Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj
(English Translation of the Audio series in Marathi by Brahmatmaikyadhnyani Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj)
Chapter 5
Ling Dehanirasan (6)
(Discarding invisible body)
“Antahkaranicha athav sapur l Vari uthati vruttiche udgar l Tayansi Jane to Akshar l Siddhachi ase ll9ll”
In our Antahkaran umpteen memories are there. The memories of infinite births, from infinite time are in Antahkaran. What were our roles, what we did, our relations, who did what, so many things, so many scenes, friends, enemies etc. Our various desires, aspirations, ambitions, sufferings, griefs, troubles, love, jealousy etc.
Waves and waves of desires and wants keep on emerging from such memories in Antahkaran.
Swamiji says, for getting some idea of the phenomenon, let us take example of sharpening the knife with a grinder wheel. When The knives get sharpened by grinder, innumerous sparks are seen.
Same phenomenon is observed when thin branches and heap of dried leaves are burnt. Innumerous sparks can be seen. Same way When the consciousness comes in contact with Antahkaran infinite sparks of the memories emerge giving rise to umpteen numbers of desires.
Our Original Self knows Antahkaran. Mukundraj Maharaj has used the word Akshar. Akshar means who is Eternal. That’s our Original Self.
Our Jeevatma.
Maharaj is telling out Self, our Jeevatma knows Antahkaran and all the memories within it.