Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj
(English Translation of the Audio series in Marathi by Brahmatmaikyadhnyani Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj)
Chapter 5
Ling Dehanirasan (10)
(Discarding invisible body)
“Nishchyatmaca jo arthu l Terhe anusndhanatmak hetu l Te chitta he jan tu l Tatpravrutti to ahankaru ll12ll
Tendency to find out, analyze the subject, seek the knowledge that unidirectional thinking is chitta. In this example when the call of the vendor is heard then stopping the thinking of everything else, the mind wants to find out more about the mango vendor and to find out exactly what is there. Mind now has taken form of chitta.
With one resolve when mind only thinks about finding out about one thing, analyses that thing, and is pursuing that thing alone, that is chitta.
I am existing as body and I need to fulfill the requirements of body is ego. For that various thoughts keep coming up for and against carrying out something that is mind, when some decision is firmed up that is buddhi and concentrating for finding out something by keeping aside all other thoughts is chitta, and all these happen due to the ego that I am my body.
“Aisi Antahkaran panch sfurti l Tuchi janasi swayamjyoti l Yalagi svasanvedya muurti l Atma tuchi ll13ll”
You are the knower of five parts of Antahkaran,
Antahkaran, mind, buddhi, chitta and ego. Any of these parts do not know you. You are the knower of all. You know everything. You are all knower Dhnyan. You are the self illuminating light of Dhnyan. There is no need of any other means to know you. You are Self Luminous. You are Atma, knower of Yourself. Atma is knower of all the parts of Antahkaran. The sparks and tendencies arising out of Antahkaran, when contact the subjects or things, take the form of those things, which you see with your eyes and other sense organs.
Our Atma our Self is all knower, self luminous.