Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj
(English Translation of the Audio series in Marathi by Brahmatmaikyadhnyani Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj)
Chapter 7
Mahakaran Dehanirasan (11)
(Removal of all the bodies)
“Tinhi avasthanche janapan l Tiyesi turya avastha aisi khunn l Tinhi dehanche je avalokan l Te Mahakaran Deha ll8ll”
Turia is the fourth state. First, wake up state, second Dream state, third sleep state and Fourth is Turia state. Turia state is different than the other three states. Turia state is observer, witness of all the other three states. Mahakaran Deha is the Turia state; onlooker of other three bodies, Gross body, Subtle body and Seed Maya and the three states. Turiya state is immensely important.
(Based on importance fourth state Turia, Chaturthi is considered important in Bhartiya Astrology.)
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“Mi sarvasakshi apan l Ha pratyagatmyacha abhiman l Sarvanche jethe khuntale sfuran l Te shuddha Swaroop ll9ll”
Pratyagatma says, I am witness to everything. I am beyond three bodies, I am beyond three states.
In Shri Ganesh Atharvashirsh Lord Ganesh is described as “Twam dehatrayatitaha Avasthatrayatitaha (O Lord Ganesh, You are beyond all the three bodies and all the three states). Lord Ganapati, beyond all the three bodies and states is Mahakaran Deha.
Pratyagatma is witness to all the three bodies and all the three states. Pratyagatma means Jeevatma.
Atma is Homogeneous, Nondual. Still for the purpose of explaining, the words Pratyagatma or Jeevatma are used. We have seen an example earlier. Example of several, crores of small earthen pots filled with water. In every individual pot there is reflection of Sun. There is reflection of One single Sun in several individual pots. We can say that Pratyagatma is like the reflection in individual being. Sun is One, like that Atma is one. This imaginary individual reflection is Pratyagatma. Mukundraj Maharaj says, Pratyagatma or Jeevatma is aware about witnessing of all the three states and all the three bodies.