Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj
(English Translation of the Audio series in Marathi by Brahmatmaikyadhnyani Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj)
Chapter 10
Drushyabhas Khandan (8)
(Discarding illusion)
“Eka nishchaya dharita l Tari ka punha punha chintita l Dehatve kan angavata l Mi Mhanoni ll23ll”
When you are sitting quietly and have determined that you will not think anything in your mind, then also why you let the various thoughts rise in your mind? Why this is so? All these thoughts rise because you still keep on thinking yourself to be body. Whatever thoughts rise in your mind they are all related to your body. This, keeping on embracing the body as You, is ego. That bodily ego only is the root cause of all these thoughts.
“Mhanoni he asatachi sare l Aise varm ahe ba re l Te Dhnyan nasate tari ahankare l Kevi uthije ll24ll”
There are two kinds of Dhnyan. One is General, worldly Dhnyan. Dhnyan in dealing with one another, whatever being taught in school and college, Dhnyan for persuit of invention which scientists have etc. All this materialistic Dhnyan is one kind. All this is Dhnyan and not adhnyan. This kind of Dhnyan is Karma Dhnyan, action – work oriented Dhnyan. That is why it is secondary. Such Dhnyan is Apara Dhnyan dealing with only worldly things. The other Dhnyan is Atmadhnyan. This is main Dhnyan. Para Dhnyan. Supreme Dhnyan which takes us to Paramatma. We beget Moksha, Emancipation with this Dhnyan.
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