Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj
(English Translation of the Audio series in Marathi by Brahmatmaikyadhnyani Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj)
Chapter 11
Adhnyan Khandan (3)
(Removal of Nescience)
“Janiva neniva l Donhi virhit bhava l Donhi bija bolava l Vistarit to ll3ll”
Janiv here means worldly knowledge. Neniv means Adhnyan, ignorance. Bhav which is devoid of janiv and neniv means Swaroop. Swaroop, spreads both of these worldly Vidhnyan and Adhnyan. The seed of worldly Dhnyan, that is the seed from which the gross body and Sukshma body gets formed, that seed does not get activated till it is filled with the light of Swaroop. With the Sentience of Swaroop – Atma, the body and Antahkaran become live, as well as the expansion of the scene of whole world gets formed.
Swaroop has expanded both worldly Dhnyan and Adhnyan.
“To janiva neniva l Natule donhi bhava l Adhicha ase to janava l Swaswaroopanand ll4ll”
The joy of Swaroop is beyond worldly Dhnyan and Adhnyan, that Supreme Joy is not bound by them. Paramatma Himself is Dhnyan, beyond all these things. Realise Paramatma as Supreme Joy of Swaroop.
“Kahicha n sfurata adi l Je sthal ase anadi l Je dhnyanachi kadi l Dhyaptimatra ll5ll”
The Eternal place, where there are no vibes, absolutely still, That is absolutely Pure and still Paramatma. There are no changes. Imperishable Paramatma is Dhnyan alone.
Paramatma is unborn, eternal, without any vibes, absolutely still, Dhnyan alone.