Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj
(English Translation of the Audio series in Marathi by Brahmatmaikyadhnyani Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj)
Chapter 3
Mahavakyavivaran (4)
(Sacred sentence in Vedas)
“Sthul drushtiche janane l Titukehi nirasane l Ure adrushya jo drashtepane l Tochi shuddha Paramatma ll2ll”
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We have to use the imagination power of buddhi (intellect) to visualise Paramatma. In my initial days with Paramguru Khaptinath Maharaj, I sought his guidance for worshipping Paramatma. I said, we can worship God with form by offering flowers, saying prayers. But how to worship the formless Paramatma?
Paramguru benevolently told that Formless has to be worshiped by reason and rationalisation. Swamiji says the way is whatever is visible or sensed grossly by the senses discard that. Everything you see; the things, people, near and dear ones, our own body, full universe, discard all those. After discarding every thing visible, remaining is invisible Paramatma, witnessing everything.
Paramatma without participating in anything, is onlooker, but having Dhnyan of everything. Let us understand this separation with an example. Let us assume someone offers a glass of water and tells that two spoonful of sugar is added to it. For us water only is visible, sugar is not visible. But with reason we rationalise that water was separate and sugar was separate. After mixing now water only is visible and sugar is invisible. But because of sugar only, it has got the taste. Similarly Maya itself is nothing. When Paramatma is with Maya; this world, Universe; gets formed which is visible to sense organs. Parmatma is invisibly there. On the base of Paramatma only this nature, this Universe has taken shape. What we need to do, is, that with thinking, with reason, we have to separate the grossly visible Universe and the invisible base Paramatma. This rationalisation is discarding the gross. By this way we separated nature and Paramatma by our thinking and visualisation.
Earlier we have studied, nitya – anitya Vivek (rationalisation between Eternal and temporary), Atma – Anatma Vivek, kshar – Akshar Vivek, this separation only, is that Vivek, that Rationalisation. With thinking deeply, seeking the Blessings of Sadguru, making our buddhi pure and subtle, with such refined intellect separate the visible sight from invisible Paramatma. Paramatma is drashta means, He is the one who only fully knows everything but is not at all involved in anything.
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