Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj
(English Translation of the Audio series in Marathi by Brahmatmaikyadhnyani Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj)
Chapter 6
Karan Dehanirasan (5)
(Discarding seed Maya)
“Tu Atma swayamprakash l Tethe neniv ha mithyabhas l To nirasata tu avinash l Swataha Siddha ll9ll”
You are Self Luminous Atma. Everything is functional because of You. In your light your mind your Antahkaran is functional. In your light only all the world is functional. The nature is functional. Whatever scene you are seeing all are because of your own light. The ignorance or nescience is illusion, falsehood. Nescience is not in existence at all. You are Luminous like Sun. One can concede that there may be stains on the moon. But can there be stains on Sun? Never!
Sun is Self Luminous. No stain can exist there. As there can not be stains on Self Luminous Sun, there can not be stain of Nescience on self Luminous You, Atma. Nescience is an illusion only. Not a reality. You are getting carried away by the nescience which is non existent. You are getting involved into the illusion created by the nescience.
Once you understand that this nescience visible to senses, then you should discard that with the Blessings of Sadguru. Once you understand that why I am drowned into this illusion and what is my real, Radiant Self Luminous Swaroop then You will realise yourself to be Immortal, Indestructible Paramatma.
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Namaskar 🙏🙏