Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj
(English Translation of the Audio series in Marathi by Brahmatmaikyadhnyani Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj)
Chapter 6
Karan Dehanirasan (6)
(Discarding seed Maya)
“Tu Atma swayamprakash l Tethe neniv ha mithyabhas l To nirasata tu avinash l Swataha Siddha ll9ll”
Sadguru is conveying through these verses to his dear disciple, that, You are Self Substantiated All the time pervading, Imperishable, Indestructible Paramatma. No other substantiation is necessary. Through this we must have understood that we all are Self Luminous. No other thing is needed to reach to us ot put light on us. In our own light Sun is shining. Even if you close your eyes you are able to see yourself. Bhagwan Shankaracharya has written. Sadguru asks his disciple in which light he is seeing all these. Then by sequentially discarding with rational thinking, that not in Sunlight, not in Moonlight, not in any other light. All things you are able to see with closed eyes. So you are seeing everything in your own light.
Sadguru is telling the disciple that you are Self Luminous.
“Ya sarvanshi jo jane l To kay apanate nene l Nenives Tari kalane l Asechina ll10ll”
One who knows everything, everyone, can he not know himself. Atma, Paramatma is Omniscient, then will he not know himself? However the imaginary nescience is coming in between preventing you to know your own Atma.
“Aise neniv techi karan l Karya sthala sukshma jan l Tiyekaran sushuptiche lakshan l Aika ata ll11ll”
Author is now revealing Dhnyan. Where from this body and Antahkaran got formed? This ignorance, nescience only is the reason. Because of this nescience all these illusory things are formed. This nescience only brings about the state of sleep, signs of which I am going to tell, listen carefully.