Pranam to Parampoojya Parameshwar Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj
(English Translation of the Audio series in Marathi by Brahmatmaikyadhnyani Sadguru Swami Anilji Maharaj)
Chapter 7
Mahakaran Dehanirasan (15)
(Removal of all the bodies)
“Aise apale anusandhan l Karita hoya vidhyan l Patapanchache mithyapan l pratyaya ye ll12ll”
In previous verse Mukundraj Maharaj has told which search we should undertake. He told that we have to find and reach to our Own Self. When we carry out search for our own Self, in the process we realise falsehood of the world. The search for Self is the search for Atma.
Bhagwan Shankaracharya says in his scripture “Vivek choodamani”, that search for Atma is the Devotion towards Paramatma. Worship, prayer only is not the Devotion. Continuously remaining in the search of Atma is the Devotion. Through such devotion you understand Vidhnyan, which is the previous step to beget Dhnyan. Till we are bestowed upon with the experience of Unification with Paramatma, all the steps those we climb are termed as Vidhnyan. Because Dhnyan is not yet bestowed upon, however state of complete nescience is also not there. He is still on the path of begetting Dhnyan, by undertaking selfless service to Sadguru, seeking the Blessings of Sadguru. During the journey from Ignorance to Dhnyan, whatever he begets previous to Dhnyan is Vidhnyan. Realising falsehood of the world is Vidhnyan.
The falsehood of the world We have seen many times and it is given in many of the publications of Sugway. The world appears but it is non existent, is the falsehood. During study of the earlier chapters we have seen that when after sleep, we see dream state, and we understand that dream state lasts for only some minutes. In wake up state though we think that our life is for so many years, actually it is for a moment. Scientists say the life of the world is 3500 million years or more. Compared to that our life insignificantly small. Even if we talk in terms of years, time in life passes quickly. As the rainbow is seen for some time and then vanishes, life of all the beings are similar to that. Innumerous beings are born daily and innumerous beings die daily. Life is for a very small duration. We see as shown on discovery Channel that some insects, are born, they procreate and die in few hours. Their life span is for few hours. Those insects may be considering that life span of few hours to be hundred years. The duration of life is relative. Everything is momentary. Dream is momentary and wake up state is also momentary. Quickly ends.
Our life is visible for some time. Temporary. False. It is not describable. It can not be definitely said that whether it is true or not. This worldly life is seen, but vanishes quickly. But the ego is phenomenal. I have done this or that. During the process of search of Atma, through selfless service to Sadguru, then we realise that this worldly life is false. Nothing is to be achieved or earned in this life. Nothing is ours. The clothes on the body and even our body is not ours. Mukundraj Maharaj says this falsehood of worldly life gets Realised.